(另請查閱 五大必買金光藍寶石的良機 及 金光藍寶石色彩樣本圖 )
金光藍寶石的英文名字是Gold Sheen Sapphire, 亞洲寶石學院創辦人及院長莫偉基先生將其中文名稱命名為”金光藍寶石”。金光藍寶石屬於剛玉類寶石,由赤鐵礦,鈦鐵礦和磁鐵礦組合而成。由英國寶石協會發行的《寶石學雜誌》 Journal of Gemmology 中已經詳盡說明了它的成分和屬性。有關摘錄如下:
“Sapphires displaying an attractive golden sheen reportedly were discovered in eastern Kenya in late 2009, and were recently brought to market in commercial quantities. The basic gemmological properties of the so-called Gold Sheen sapphires are consistent with typical corundum. Microscopic examination and Raman micro-spectroscopy showed that Fe-Ti oxides (hematite, ilmenite and magnetite) are the main solid inclusions, and they are oriented parallel to crystallographic directions in the basal pinacoid of corundum characterized by a six-fold rotational symmetry. Hematite and ilmenite are present in the form of exsolution intergrowths within platelets or needles. Magnetite typically appears as larger and thicker black platelets. The sheen effect in these sapphires originates from the simultaneous reflection of light from the oriented network of exsolved hematite-ilmenite inclusions.” – The Journal of Gemmology, 34(8), 2015
金光藍寶石發射金色,黃銅色和銅色三個色調,在較弱光線下閃爍完美的金色和銅色, 在較強光線或太陽光下則呈現出迷人的幾何圖案。打磨後的 Gold Sheen Sapphire 會不同程度地顯現出星型圖案,大部分由淺至深地呈現出耀眼的六角星形狀。有一些金光藍寶石會反射出類似”極光”的現象,之所以稱之為”極光”是因為它所散發出的光暈酷似北極光。 更有一些極少量的金光藍寶石會散發出鮮艷的藍色,粉銅色,綠色,和少見的紅色和紫色。
金光藍寶石最先由Genuine Gems and Jewellery 公司的創辦人Tanzim Khan 先生發現及開採。Tanzim Khan 先生已從事寶石生意25年,在行內尤其是寶石切割和貿易方面久負盛名。他在曼谷擁有自己的寶石切割工廠並親自開發了切割金光藍寶石的技術。
Gold Sheen Sapphire 亦曾被Gem Adventurer™稱之為 ‘Zawadi’ Sapphire。
‘Golden Sheen Sapphire™’ 已經由 Genuine Gems and Jewellery Company Ltd. 正式註冊成商標
請查閱: 五大必買金光藍寶石的良機