Gold Sheen Sapphire Price Update

The price of gold sheen sapphire continues to rise.  This is the origional post of the two year price history –  Now here is the price update:

gold sheen sapphire price history
Gold Sheen Sapphire price history for 4th quarter 2016

I am not particularly surprised that the price of the highest grade cut is so strong.   The latest batch I reported here really are spectacular.

I heard a comment today from a long time collector and now investor in gold sheen sapphire.  He said “The more I handle and look at the goldsheen (sic) sapphires, the more I appreciate their unique beauty”. Which is my own sentiment exactly, and I think that is also evident in the strengthening market price.

Singles Day!

11/11 is singles’ day in China.  But why should the Chinese have all the fun?

Perhaps, buying your crush some beautiful jewelry might make this the last singles day for you?  Who knows.  But single or ‘an item’, everyone deserves to own some fine gemstones and jewelry, whether for yourself or someone else.

In honour of this ancient (from way, way back in the 1990’s) Chinese tradition, use the coupon code ‘1111’ to get 25% off any purchase from, for 11/11/16 only.

This natural ruby ring in 18K gold makes an excellent gift of love an admiration –

Natural zircon, as blue as a clear summer sky –

Multi colour sapphire bracelet, 32 carats of sapphires, and exquisite gift

Tanzanite earrings, only for someone very special –

金光藍寶石(Gold Sheen Sapphire)之美

我一直在嘗試着怎樣用相機捕捉金光藍寶石(Gold Sheen Sapphire)的美,我試過用高參數的數碼單反相機轉換不同的光線和參數設置,但還是不能拍出理想的照片,甚至有時用手機拍看起來更好。

Gold Sheen Sapphire
金光藍寶石的魅力不單來自于對光線的反射,更在於當光線穿過寶石而顯現出的各種光彩,這些光彩在金光藍寶石中發散的魅力遠遠超過在其他寶石上。金光藍寶石的這種包含性質並不像歐泊石那樣, 而是能在不同角度的光線下展現出完全不同的特質。 儘管它呈現的光澤效應並不是獨有的(比如一些紅寶石和黑藍寶石也有同樣的光澤效應), 但它的效果對比任何寶石更為突出。
Gold Sheen Sapphire
捕捉金光藍寶石固有的美是一回事,描述它又是另一回事。 在寶石鑒別的標準中尚未有一個可以形容同時有金屬金,青銅色,銅色和黃銅色的顏色,更沒有辦法形容金屬藍,綠橙和黃色同時映現的二次和三次色彩,只能用”棕色” 來形容它遠遠比棕色生動的色彩。同時,那些我最心儀的金光藍寶石內外兼有的幾何圖案和繽紛的線條又怎樣來形容它呢?
Gold Sheen Sapphire
這塊石最吸引之處在於它的幾何圖案在表面上形成一個有趣的3D 效果的窗口

金光藍寶石的發現人Tanzim Khan 先生形容這種複雜的各式各樣的圖案就仿佛帶着你去旅行。不是嗎?當你全神貫注地凝視它的時候,你會看見更豐富的圖案和美結合在一起向寶石內部延伸,那種3D效果其它寶石是無法展現的。

Gold Sheen Sapphire
沒有什麼能像這枚金光藍寶石一樣能給人獨有的視覺體驗. 只有親眼看見才能體會它深藏其中的美。


Gold Sheen Sapphire

金光藍寶石(Gold Sheen Sapphire) 的價格走勢

自從2014年第一次收藏金光藍寶石 (Gold Sheen Sapphire) 開始,我就一直在跟蹤記錄它的價格走勢。最近,市場價格(街價)節節升高,應是因為已逐步得到珠寶設計師和投資者的關注。

由最初金光藍寶石的發現人Tanzim Khan 先生不遺餘力地介紹和向我傳授這一新剛玉品種的知識到漸漸熟知它的特質,結構和屬性,我在網站上發佈了金光藍寶石的簡介。同時,我也與Tanzim 先生及一些有興趣參與的寶石實驗室一起研究及制定金光藍寶石的分級別系統。


Gold Sheen Sapphire Price History



一級 ﹣ 表面及結構上無瑕疵, 或者極微小瑕疵

二級 ﹣ 肉眼看不見表面瑕疵,結構上無瑕疵或很少瑕疵

三級 ﹣ 表面及結構有微小瑕疵,或普通瑕疵


圖中”Buy” 即”買“是屬第三級別金光藍寶石的批發價,通常訂購數量超過10,000 克拉。

圖中”Sell” 即”賣“ 是珠寶商或貿易展覽的零售價格,通常是單一或很少量貨品。

圖中”Street” 即”街“ 是少量訂購且混合不同級別的協議價格。

金光藍寶石亦有特別的出售價格,通常是超過50克拉的一枚石頭供收藏用途。這類的價格範圍很廣,可以是每克拉100美金甚至無價,最終價格取決與買賣雙方議價的幅度。我的網站上展示了一些標有規格重量的金光藍寶石的樣品和批發價格,有興趣可點擊查看 website.


金光藍寶石(Gold Sheen Sapphire)的特別優惠方案

我願意以特別優惠的價格促銷金光藍寶石,目的是提高金光藍寶石在寶石行業的知名度,使得珠寶設計師們更多地應用這個新的剛玉品種。雖然目前已有金光藍寶石的設計獲得一些獎項, 但我和Mr Tanzim﹣金光藍寶石的發現人,想把這一獨特的新寶石品種推動至屬於它的價值所在的領域。


  • 根據你的需求,無論原石或特別打磨切割,全部人手選定
  • 不管特級或極特級全部劃一價格
  • 任何大小形狀切割均可,誤差小至 0.1毫米
  • 一年內再次購買保證維持原價格不變
  • 你設計出的珠寶首飾可免費展示在我的網站及相關公眾媒體公開售賣





這是塊迄今為止我看到的最令人歎為觀止的金光藍寶石。通常情況下,金光藍寶石在不同光線的照耀下會呈現金色或銅色或青銅色等,而這塊寶石不管在怎樣的光線下都閃耀着存正的金色,  更有趣的是在這塊寶石的中間還開了一個好像是黃色鑽石的窗口,令人驚歎不已。

Unique Gold Sheen Sapphire
重量: 44 克拉。長寬高 24mm x 15mm x 13mm



Gold Sheen Sapphire Pendant

天然寶石都是獨一無二,永遠不會俗氣或誇張。 在柔和的燈光下寶石更顯柔和的色彩,在充足的日光下絢麗多彩。選擇好的寶石佩戴會令膚色更加嬌艷,線條更加柔和,煥然一新。

Citrine EarringsEmerald Earrings



Sapphire Pendant

New Factory Cuttings – Gold Sheen Sapphire

The latest batch of Gold Sheen Sapphires from the factory are showing some remarkable characteristics.

Gold Sheen Sapphire cabochon
Gold Sheen Sapphire cabochons, yet to be graded.

First, we are seeing vivid asterism in the cabs.  All gold sheen sapphires cabs have some degree of asterism, but usually it is quite faint.  The rough we are cutting now seems to have more rutile, which gives them both a ‘sleepier’ look, and the much more prominent star:

Gold sheen sapphire cabochons vivid star
Prominent star features on gold sheen sapphire cabochons

You can see the rutile silk under multiple light sources (with a single light source, these would have a prominent star)

Gold Sheen Sapphire cabs softer silk look
Gold Sheen Sapphire cabs showing softer silk look due to greater rutile inclusion

Then, there was this incredible find – for the first time we have seen completely transparent gold sheen sapphire with full sheen and star effect.  The smartphone snapshot does it no justice, but imagine the transparency of a vivid blue medium tone sapphire, but instead of blue, the colour is golden sheen.

transparent star gold sheen sapphire
Incredibly beautiful star gold sheen sapphire, completely transparent, very very rare.

Out of 200,000 carats cut, we have found less than 20 carats of stones like this. We know how to cut is as cabochons, so that is what the factory did.  But what I am thinking is, what if we faceted it with a brilliant cut?  I’ll run it by Tanzim and see what he thinks.