Prices for gold sheen sapphire have remained relatively constant over the last 12 months. The 2019 price chart and price reporting has been updated to bring it into line with the gold sheen sapphire grading system developed by T.M. Malik and S. Waddington. The most notable change is the inclusion of the “commercial” grade to meet a market price point under $100 per carat.
The first half of the year saw prices ease, most likely as a result of general market conditions. However prices recovered somewhat in the latter half, sales from September shows (Bangkok and Hong Kong) reported as good, despite very unfavourable conditions in Hong Kong.
New cuttings of “exceptional” grade material were premiered at the September Bangkok Gem and Jewelry show and were readily sought by Japanese, Chinese, and European buyers.

Observed prices for Commercial grade stones were seen to range from $35 to $75 per carat. Good to Very Good Grade sales were reported ranging from $85 to $200, while Fine and Very Fine grade showed a wide variation with prices negotiated from $235 to $600 per carat for single, very fine grade collectors pieces.
The most marked variation was for Exceptional grade stones ranging from $800 to “over $1,500” reported in one case.

For more information on Gold Sheen Sapphire, see my information page here: